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Week of 15th - 21st June, 2020

15th June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts. 

16th June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts. 

17th June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts. 

18th June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts. 

19th June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts. 

20th June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts. 

21st June, 2020
To see tributes for this day click here

To leave a condolence message click "Post a comment" 

  • RIP

    No one yet registered on this day.

May those that lost a loved one on this day all hold each of the above souls and their families in thier hearts.